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Vases and jars of all sizes and shapes in different materials: terracotta, cast iron, cement, iron and stone. Especially reproductions of Italian and European vases coming from the most beautiful villas and historic houses in the world. But also a great choice of original pots, jares and ornamental vases. As for the terracotta and cast-iron, many molds are our property and we give it to Italian furnaces and foundries for the material production. We have more than 900 models for sale, this makes our collection the largest in the world.
Giovanni Boldini (Ferrara 1842 - 1931) Berthe going for a walk
Terracotta Pots
Baskets and Fruits
Tuscan Jares
Liguria and Sardinia Jars
Sahara Jars
Various Jars
Mobile Gardens
Cast Iron Plant Holders
Stone BasesTerracotta Bases
Ancient Tripods
Manger and Troughs
Flower Vases
Italian Maiolica Vases
French Majolica Vases
Medici Vases
Tuscan Lemon VasesStrawberry Pots
Cement Vases
Ornamental Vases Terracotta
Ornamental Vases Cast-Iron
Ornamental Vases Marble
Anthropomorphous Vases
Ornamental Vases Stone
Greenhouse Vases
Wall Flower Pots
Other Items
Finished Works