CAPITOLINO VASE in terracotta copy of Capitolini Museums Vase


Code art.: 4540
Price: 3.200,00 €
Stock availability: 2

This is the famous vase of the Capitoline Museums, called "Capitoline Vase".
The vase was designed by Giovan Battista Piranesi 1720-1778 in the seventeenth century.

You will find it in the book dedicated to Piranesi, Taschen collection, page 614.
Piranesi has designs two sides, with the title: “Vaso antico di marmo che si vede nel Museo Capitolino alto palmi 7... (un palmo = 20 cm 7x20 = 140 cm)."
I due splendidi disegni sono stati dedicati al “Signore Roberto Udinij Cavaliere inglese amatore delle belle Arti”, “in segno d’ossequi Il cavaliere Gio. Batt’a Piranesi”.

Sizes and weight are referred in Inches and Pounds
Height: 53.94
Mouth wide: 43.31
Outer diameter: 43.31
Internal diameter: 35.43
Maximum diameter: 43.31
Weight: 231.49
Material: Terracotta
Square base: 20.87         Tel. +39 0584 787016