Fireback empire griffins woodcock


Code art.: 1107
Price: 320,00 €
Stock availability: 2

The Griffin (mythology.
Mythologic Creature, represented by literature and art with the head and the wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, sometimes with the tail of a snake. It seems the legend of the griffen born in Middle Orient, where it apperas in paintings and sculptures of Babilonian, assiri and Persian. The Image of griffin, used by Romans as decorative element, in bas-reliefs, table legs, altars and candelabrum, appear at the beginning of the Christian era in the bestiary. In the Gothic architecture of late middle-age was often decorative element of the stone Showers. The griffin is still a common emblem in araldic, and means strenght and Vigilance.

Sizes and weight are referred in Inches and Pounds
Width: 19.69
Height: 26.77
Thickness: 0.79
Weight: 79.37         Tel. +39 0584 787016